Lifestyle Photography


The camera should be an invisible observer documenting the moment with little or no awareness by the subject being recorded. Locations must add relevance and context to the visual narrative by establishing orientation and communicating a distinct place and time. Establish a connection between the subject and their environment through genuine engagement with surrounding elements and avoiding direct contact with the camera. Create depth in the environment by shooting through elements in the foreground while keeping the subject in focus. Use natural light as a supporting element to reinforce time and place. Avoid using supplementary lighting. In addition to focusing on the primary subject, capture images that concentrate on the details of the product and textures of the environment. Capture a variety of wide, medium, and close ups.


Tone must be credible to the product and true to the consumer. When appropriate, enable content from authentic resources. Create narratives that lead our customer through specific stories with a clear purpose and point of view. Imagery must be timely, relevant to the product, and rooted in current trends.

Cropping & Usage

Crop images to enhance visual interest and create focus. Use negative space and positioning of the subject towards the edges of the frame to amplify energy. Pair multiple images together to tell a story.

Image Credit

When using images from authentic, credible sources, give credit with the source’s social handle. The credit should be placed in the bottom right or left corner of the image, 10px from the edge of the image.

For Web: use Arial 10pt in White/White or Crossover Grey.

For Print: use Arial at comparable size appropriatefor the piece in White/White or Crossover Grey.

Influencers should be credited simply by using their handle. Ex: @FitAndyy

Athlete or entertainer handles should be used in conjunction with a reference to sport.
Ex: @briannacope Professional Surfer

If a product call out is required, ‘in’ + the name of the product should be set on a second line below the influencer handle. Product names should also be Arial 10pt in White/White or Crossover Grey.