Hero Cartridge

General Considerations

There are two different types of placements for Hero Cartridges. The Homepage and the Gender Landing Pages.

The cartridge becomes a carousel if more than one slide is used in a promo placement. The carousel controls include slider arrows and counter circles, which must be considered while crafting a hero or seasonal story asset design. The slider arrows and counter circles remain fixed in the cartridge, provided here and in the downloadable PSD templates for contextual reference and should not be included in the final deliverable.

If a brand logo is required to be featured in the creative, it is to be placed in the lower right corner, with a maximum size of 75 x 75px.

Simple visuals that focus on key products are more successful for user engagement.

Only one animated asset will be allowed on a page at any given time. Animations must not exceed 5 seconds in length.

Any and all notable personality handles, titles, and/or names should be placed in the bottom left of creative in Arial Regular at the specified text sizes in the templates. See Lifestyle photography for image credit standards.

All messages should be short with a clear call to action. Use the standard text style CTA as default, but the button style CTA may be used if text style is illegible (included in template download). The CTA color should be the same as other text colors in creative. Placement of the CTA should be locked up with headline/subheadline/body text.


The purpose of a hero cartridge on the homepage is to enhance the shopping experience by inspiring with impactful and culturally relevant content and promos. The desired customer action is to inspire and initiate or maintain buying momentum.

Gender Landing:
The purpose of a hero cartridge on a gender landing page is to enhance the shopping experience by inspiring with gender specific messaging and products. The desired customer action is to inspire, generate interest and promote exploration with gender-specific products and messaging to generate awareness of the latest and greatest products and brands.

Assets must be delivered at the following three dimensions:

New Dimensions
1440 x 480 px
Mobile: 750 x 750 px

Old Dimensions
1213 x 600 px, 1440 x 720 px
Mobile: 613 x 400 px, 613 x 613 px  

Mobile Hero Cartridge

New Image dimensions: 750 x 750 px
Old Image dimensions: 613 x 613 px, 613 x 400 px
File Size: 300kb max
File Format: PNG, GIF
All text should be in a neutral brand color.

Desktop Hero Cartridge

Image dimensions: 1440 x 720px, 1213 x 600px
File Size: 800kb max
File Format: JPG, PNG, GIF, MP4
All text should be in a neutral brand color.