App Notifications
General Considerations
Be simple & concise with little repetition. App creative & app messaging should not be repetitive. No copy should appear on app notification creative, unless it is STATUS orsale creative, or used as a textural addition to the creative asset. No CTAs on image assets.
There doesn’t always have to be a headline & subhead for the notification copy. Legal copy should appear within live text copy of notification.
If brand logos are required, they should be placed in the lower right corner with a maximum size of 75 x 75px. Influencer handles should be placed in the bottom left corner of the image.
Banner must be 622px wide and has an adjustable height
Max File Size: 500kb
File Format: PNG, JPG, GIF
Naming convention:
FNL_Date_Campaign_Project Name_Deliverable_Spec_Version.filetype
(Ex: FNL_061721_Nike_Air Max_App Notification_622x_v1.jpg)
Push Notification
Treat push notifications similarly to how email subject lines are written. Be short & use the shoe as a headline whenever possible. Subcopy should help add context to the short headlines.
Name of shoe should be used as headline
Be as short as possible while also being informative of content.
Emojis or urgent messaging is optional.
Title Copy Character Count
28 characters or less will appear on all devices
29 or more will be shortened/cutoff on all devices
Body Copy Character Count
35 characters or less will appear on all devices
36 – 147 characters may be shortened/cutoff on some devices 148 or more will be be shortened/cutoff on all devices
Notification Title
These should appear in the message center & at the top of the screen within the app notification itself.
Be as short as possible while also being informative of content.
If title is short enough to where it doesn’t get cut off at the top, there is no need to restate that again. If it does get cut off, we will need to repeat it in the copy below the image.
Character Count
28 characters or less will appear on all devices
29 or more will be shortened/cutoff on all devices
Notification Page
This copy should be the same as the swipe notification copy unless the app notification title is in the image, in which case, there is no need for a headline, just a subhead if it adds context.
Sale Messaging
Include type of sale in image & have details below.
Notification Title: 50% Off Best Sellers
Copy within Image: End of Season Sale
Headline: No headline necessary
Subhead: Best Sellers up to 50% Off