
Static Image

Square: 1080 x 1080 px
Max Landscape: 1080 x 608px
Max Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px

Max File Size: 30MB
File Format: .JPG or .PNG

Naming convention:
FNL_Date_Campaign_Project Name_Deliverable_Spec_Version.filetype
(Ex: FNL_120919_Jordan-Every-Day_Instagram_1080x1080_v1.png)

Caption: Yes, up to 125 Characters


The instagram carousel is simply multiple static images within a single post. Carousel dimensions will be the same
as static dimensions. A carousel may include video. 

Additional Specs: 2-10 cards

Min Video Length: 3 Seconds
Max Video Length: 60 Seconds

Recommended Specs:
Square: 1080 x 1080 px
Max Landscape: 1080 x 608px
Max Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px

Max File Size: 30MB
File Format: .JPG or .PNG

Naming convention:
FNL_Date_Campaign_Project Name_Deliverable_Spec_Version.filetype

Caption: Yes, up to 125 Characters


Min Resolution: 600 x 600 px
Max Resoultion: 1080 x 1080 px
Max Landscape: 1080 x 608 px
Max Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px
Min Length: 3 Seconds
Max Length: 60 Seconds
Caption: Yes, up to 125 Characters

Max File Size: 30MB
File Format: .MP4

Naming convention:
FNL_Date_Campaign_Project Name_Deliverable_Spec_Version.filetype


Image Guidelines

Recommended Resolution: 1080 x 1920 px
Minimum Resolution: 600 x 1067 px

Max File Size: 50MB
File Format: .JPG or .PNG
Format: Full Screen Vertical (9:16)
Photo Content is visible for 5 seconds
Caption: No, text must be on image

Naming convention:
FNL_Date_Campaign_Project Name_Deliverable_Spec_Version.filetype

Video Guidelines

Min Resolution: 600 x 1067 px
Recommended Resolution: 1080 x 1920 px

Max Length: 15 seconds
Max File Size: 30MB
File Format: .MP4 or .MOV
Caption: No, text must be on image

Format: Full Screen Vertical (9:16)

Naming convention:
FNL_Date_Campaign_Project Name_Deliverable_Spec_Version.filetype

These specs can be used for Snapchat & Facebook Stories